Marta Basteiro: 💙necessáries💙
Santa Bagunça: pOrtA LiXa
Marta Basteiro: 💙almofada💙
papersome: Rudolph
papersome: taccuino
Susana Tavares: Butterfly #18 She wears her butterfly wherever she goes. These wings were part of her, part of her gentle, flying spirit. With these wing she could rise above anything and filled herself with the most amazing colors, over and over.
Dora Cristina Fernandes: Sabonetes de Coruja
papersome: Quote
papersome: Ramillete de cachorritos
papersome: Pascuas
papersome: Pascuas
papersome: tiempo sereno
papersome: taccuino лавандовое) облепиховое медово-глицериновое с куркумой мыло:) лавандовое
MIREILLE美麗: Kamaishi
Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Snow-on-the-Mountain
Marta Basteiro: ❤️Kit bolsa de palha+ conjunto avental❤️ #costurices #feitoamão #handmade #singer #sempreútil #palha #praia #passeio #quilt #apple #maçã #bolsa #sacolas #avental #lenço #adoromuitotudoisso