Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Mendip's 100% Arts cuts
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Somerset's 100% Arts cuts
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
King Ken - The King of Nothing
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Tory Half Baked Beans
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Cllr Huxtable - Mr Slash and Burn at Somerset County Council
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
We Love Libraries message
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
We Love Libraries message
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Shepton Boldly Going into the Future
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Steve Boswell blessed
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Smoke Madboro in Maddog County
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Ken Maddock SCC (Somerset County Council) plates
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Shepton Market Cross Launch
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
Shepton Market Cross in Space
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
CRT Recce (203 of 33437).jpg
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
CRT Recce (204 of 33437).jpg
Garfield Kennedy - Film + Television + Photography:
CRT Recce (358 of 33199).jpg