Urawa Zero:
A town with snow
Urawa Zero:
Arai 1 Crossing 新井一丁目交差点
Urawa Zero:
Kichijōji station 吉祥寺駅
Urawa Zero:
Sinmei slope road神明坂
Urawa Zero:
Power lines evening
Urawa Zero:
Footbridge in the rain, by Oji station and under Shinkansen railway
Urawa Zero:
Waiting for the train at the platform in the rain 雨のホームで電車を待つ
Urawa Zero:
At Narimasu 成増で
Urawa Zero:
Joyful Minowa, the shopping street ジョイフル三ノ輪
Urawa Zero:
At Kouya 高野で
Urawa Zero:
At Kurihashi 栗橋で
Urawa Zero:
Ōotoshifultone River at Ichinowari 一ノ割の大落古利根川
Urawa Zero:
Flying carp 鯉のぼり
Urawa Zero:
Foot pavement under autumnal west sun
Urawa Zero:
The bank of Ayase River 綾瀬川土手
Urawa Zero:
Electric wire construction with sunset 夕焼け電線工事
Urawa Zero:
Urawa Zero:
Evening has come through the net of golf driving ranges
Urawa Zero:
Cat with a car 車付き猫
Urawa Zero:
Farmers talking slowly between light trucks
Urawa Zero:
Kumagaya station dazzling with the evening sun
Urawa Zero:
At Chigasemachi, Ōme, Japan 青梅の千ヶ瀬町で
Urawa Zero:
Road, pigeons and someone's back
Urawa Zero:
An irrigation channel at Kumagaya 熊谷で見た用水路
Urawa Zero:
At Kofukasaku 小深作で
Urawa Zero:
Fujinoushijima station 藤の牛島駅
Urawa Zero:
Three boys going down and messing around
Urawa Zero:
At Shimizu Park of Hachiōji 八王子清水公園
Urawa Zero:
A girl climbing out of the saddle in the early evening 夕方少女が立ちこぎで坂をのぼっていく
Urawa Zero:
Arakawa sunamachi mizube Park 荒川砂町水辺公園