AngelaGreenwald: Playing catch up in the @sandiegomqg #vintagequiltrevival QAL. My progress so far.
AngelaGreenwald: Binding this bad boy up and then I'm done!! #rainbowminiswap #rainbowteamyellow
AngelaGreenwald: My challenge bundle just arrived!! #rileyblakedesigns #rileyblakechallenge @rileyblakedesigns
AngelaGreenwald: Working on another knitted infinity scarf. Bigger round hoop and thicker scarf. I love it.
AngelaGreenwald: The Lorax Kaleidoscope
AngelaGreenwald: #picstitch. Inspiration board for my IG #starbucksmugrugswap partner.
AngelaGreenwald: I made these for xmas gifts this year but this one is mine! All mine!!! #mineminemine #selfishproject #makingmemories
AngelaGreenwald: Gathering up some rainbow scraps. Now to pick a pattern. #rainbowteamyellow #rainbowminiswap
AngelaGreenwald: Someone is happy snuggling up in the new pillows. #almost5
AngelaGreenwald: Super fast, easy and modern free motion quilting #dailyfmq #anotherpillow
AngelaGreenwald: Charity Quilt by the San Diego MQG.
AngelaGreenwald: Charity block for my quilt guild.
AngelaGreenwald: Finished pillow. My couch is looking more and more me! #quiltedpillow
AngelaGreenwald: Assessing some of my WIPs today. 21 blocks done. 21 more to go. #stringquilt
AngelaGreenwald: Another pillow in the works. #selfishsewing
AngelaGreenwald: Wishes quilt
AngelaGreenwald: Polaroid blocks for a sewing bee.
AngelaGreenwald: Dying to make something pretty for me with these!! @cottonandsteel
AngelaGreenwald: 2 feathers. @70sjen Hope you like them!!
AngelaGreenwald: Quilted and bound all in one day. Backed with fleece. Super warm snuggles tonight.
AngelaGreenwald: Steel and Cotton Mini quilt
AngelaGreenwald: Steel and Cotton Mini quilt
AngelaGreenwald: My mini quilt collection.
AngelaGreenwald: Finished it. Now she has her overnight bag for her GS sleepover. #oneday #noodleheadpattern #cargoduffle #pleasestopgrowingup
AngelaGreenwald: One side of the cargo duffle almost done. #cargoduffle #noodleheadpattern
AngelaGreenwald: Middle section complete. Just have to start on my border. #haveyourselfaquiltylittlechristmas #iloveit @beelori1