Bob Stevens:
The class field trip
Bob Stevens:
Getting ready to visit the nets
Bob Stevens:
Beth extracts the first owl from the nets
Bob Stevens:
Putting the owl in the bag for transport
Bob Stevens:
Everyone watches the extraction
Bob Stevens:
Dr. Van Roo extracts the second owl
Bob Stevens:
And more photos of the extraction
Bob Stevens:
Dr. Van Roo Shows off the star
Bob Stevens:
Wandering through the woods at night
Bob Stevens:
Strickland puts the band on
Bob Stevens:
Showing off the banded owl
Bob Stevens:
Explaining the owl's features for silent flight
Bob Stevens:
Using the owl's weight and wing length to determing its sex
Bob Stevens:
More features for silent flight
Bob Stevens:
Who is checking out who
Bob Stevens:
Age is determined by which feathers have been replaced
Bob Stevens:
A black light is also used to determine the age of each feather
Bob Stevens:
Listening like an owl listens
Bob Stevens:
Showing the owl's ears
Bob Stevens:
The talons are used to hold mice and an unwary bander
Bob Stevens:
Checking out the softness of the owl's feathers
Bob Stevens:
Everyone loves to touch the owl
Bob Stevens:
Even Dads
Bob Stevens:
And Moms
Bob Stevens:
More Dad's feeling the softness of the owl
Bob Stevens:
A close photograph of the owl
Bob Stevens:
Strickland shows how soft the feathers are
Bob Stevens:
Releasing the owl from a soft arm is not easy
Bob Stevens:
The owl does not want to leave
Bob Stevens:
And stays for a long time