Bob Stevens:
So that is what a Saw Whet Owl looks like
Bob Stevens:
Stop looking at me!!
Bob Stevens:
The pictures look better if the photographer's eyes are open
Bob Stevens:
Much better!!
Bob Stevens:
And the owl tries to look this big to scare you
Bob Stevens:
My talons may look small but they can hurt
Bob Stevens:
Looking up at the Saw Whet
Bob Stevens:
Yes, you may pet me
Bob Stevens:
After you are done, can I take a picture of you?
Bob Stevens:
Imagine if your face froze like that
Bob Stevens:
Don't look so afraid, I won't bite
Bob Stevens:
That is it, hold me gently
Bob Stevens:
I am part of the family picture
Bob Stevens:
The indignity of being upside down
Bob Stevens:
Come on lady, stop talking and get me out of here
Bob Stevens:
I hope that is not a barred owl on your head
Bob Stevens:
Wouldn't this be great for Trick or Treating!
Bob Stevens:
What big eyes you have
Bob Stevens:
Measuring the wing chord to determine gender
Bob Stevens:
Can I hold this one?
Bob Stevens:
Imagine how cool this would be for show and tell
Bob Stevens:
Getting ready to release the saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Will she fly away when I release her?
Bob Stevens:
My tongue sticking out means I do not like this or you!!
Bob Stevens:
Getting ready to determine the age
Bob Stevens:
The darker feathers are new and the lighter ones are old
Bob Stevens:
Talking about the eyes and ears
Bob Stevens:
Yes you may pet my back
Bob Stevens:
Holding the saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Staring intently so the owl does not escape yet