Bob Stevens:
Going to the nets in the dark
Bob Stevens:
A saw whet in the net on the first run!
Bob Stevens:
Mike removes the first saw whet from the nets
Bob Stevens:
Getting the net free from the talons
Bob Stevens:
Mike works to free the saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Sometimes it takes multiple hands to get the owl free
Bob Stevens:
Freeing the last strand from the wing
Bob Stevens:
Admiring the saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Even Mrs Martin wants a photograph
Bob Stevens:
Calibrating the scale to weigh the owl
Bob Stevens:
The owl and the bag weigh 143 grams
Bob Stevens:
And the bag alone weighs 52 grams
Bob Stevens:
So how much is 143 - 52, no calculators allowed
Bob Stevens:
Hillary applies the leg band
Bob Stevens:
Strickland measures the wing chord
Bob Stevens:
Weight of 91 grams and wing chord of 140 mm means that this owl is a female
Bob Stevens:
Strickland explains the saw whets features for silent flight
Bob Stevens:
The consistent aging of the wings indicates that this is a hatching year owl
Bob Stevens:
The class huddles around the saw whet owl
Bob Stevens:
The star gets her picture taken
Bob Stevens:
Strickland shows Joey and Sammi the saw whet owl's features for silent flight
Bob Stevens:
Strickland shows Joey, Mary and Sammi the saw whet owl's ear
Bob Stevens:
Mrs Martin wants another picture
Bob Stevens:
The class practices direction finding like a saw whet does
Bob Stevens:
Joey, Mary and Sammi feel how soft the saw whet is
Bob Stevens:
Strickland shows Joey and Sammi the ability of the owl to rotate his head
Bob Stevens:
Strickland poses with the saw whet owl
Bob Stevens:
Joey, Mary and Sammi see how to hold a saw whet safely
Bob Stevens:
How cool is this holding saw whet owl!!!
Bob Stevens:
Sammi, you are putting me to sleep