Bob Stevens:
Strickland starts to extract the saw whet from the net
Bob Stevens:
Strickland shows off the first saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Preparing to take the first saw whet back for banding
Bob Stevens:
Watching Brandi remove the saw whet from the net
Bob Stevens:
Brandi demonstrates saw whet extraction
Bob Stevens:
Preparing to weigh the saw whet
Bob Stevens:
The saw whet is unimpressed with her new bracelet
Bob Stevens:
Paul shows the saw whet's talons
Bob Stevens:
Strickland explains the saw whet's adaptations for night hunting
Bob Stevens:
Strickland shows saw whet's ears
Bob Stevens:
Demonstrating aging the saw whet by examining feathers
Bob Stevens:
Showing off the banded saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Preparing to hold the saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Feeling the softness of the saw whet's feathers
Bob Stevens:
Make Strickland stop touching my head
Bob Stevens:
I love you too
Bob Stevens:
We will protect you from the big bad Bard Owls
Bob Stevens:
I think she is going to take me home
Bob Stevens:
I liked being held by the girls better
Bob Stevens:
Hey Shorty - hee hee - I am the one usually called shorty
Bob Stevens:
If I can stand on a branch, a thumb is a piece of cake
Bob Stevens:
Paul leads the group through the woods
Bob Stevens:
Documenting the saw whet weight
Bob Stevens:
She's going to put me in her pocket to take home, I know she is
Bob Stevens:
Strickland prepares to release the saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Do you have any mice for me
Bob Stevens:
Which of these things weighs the same as a saw whet
Bob Stevens:
Not this one, it is too heavy