Bob Stevens:
Dick captures the elusive Dowel Dragonfly
Bob Stevens:
Dick's surrogate dragonfly
Bob Stevens:
Jenn and Linda practice on Dick's Dowel Dragonflies
Bob Stevens:
Black Winged Damselfly
Bob Stevens:
Walter photographs damselflies
Bob Stevens:
Can you see the damselfly that Dick is capturing
Bob Stevens:
Other Damselfly
Bob Stevens:
Damselfly eyes mosquito for breakfast
Bob Stevens:
Another unknown flower
Bob Stevens:
Azure Bluet 1
Bob Stevens:
Unknown flower
Bob Stevens:
Azure Bluet 2
Bob Stevens:
Azure Bluet 3
Bob Stevens:
Unknown damselfly
Bob Stevens:
Kathlene captures a waterlily
Bob Stevens:
Waterlily 2
Bob Stevens:
Daisies at the cranberry bog