preselected: Stagecoach Manchester 14956 MX58VAU
preselected: Notts City Transport 728 YN53CFL
preselected: YJ12GJF NCT
preselected: SN53EUT Skills
preselected: KUI2760 Steve Keats
preselected: PO13ABK Harry Shaw
preselected: Notts City Transport 505 FD02SDZ
preselected: D213MKK Reliant Coaches
preselected: YN60CKD Stagecoach 15717
preselected: Notts and Derby 30 W474BCW
preselected: Johnston Redferns 123 RT
preselected: Nottingham City Transport 762 LN51GKD
preselected: Nottingham 956
preselected: Nottingham 218 and 955
preselected: YN08 MLL Nottingham 955