Pintopower: Not mine but still cute
Pintopower: Mazda getting Smogged.
Pintopower: DSC02080
Pintopower: A love story made possible by the Ford Pinto
Pintopower: Betty #4, Bought in 2005
Pintopower: Christine #1, Bought in 1997
Pintopower: Colonel Mustard #3, Bought in 2001
Pintopower: Freddy #6, Bought in 2009
Pintopower: Alice #5, Given in 2005
Pintopower: Veronica #2, Bought in 1998
Pintopower: IMG_2963
Pintopower: IMG_6788
Pintopower: IMG_6789
Pintopower: Free lunch truck food!
Pintopower: Big peanut butter cup.
Pintopower: Estate Sale
Pintopower: The Mazda was not happy
Pintopower: The Mazda was not happy
Pintopower: The Mazda was not happy
Pintopower: With Alice in old town Pomona
Pintopower: Our Pumpkins
Pintopower: 2012-10-28 11.08.13
Pintopower: IMG_2852
Pintopower: IMG_2074
Pintopower: Lincoln Logs!