jenn_7: .water torcher.
jenn_7: :::
jenn_7: .catchANDrelease.
jenn_7: .payaso muerto.
jenn_7: .gemology.
jenn_7: :::
jenn_7: "I dare you,
jenn_7: .childishness.
jenn_7: . 'scuse me while i K I S S the sky .
jenn_7: . P O P .
jenn_7: . G O L D E N kisses .
jenn_7: “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.”
jenn_7: . stroll .
jenn_7: .O N C E.
jenn_7: .adventure on the high seas.
jenn_7: .every woman needs her day.
jenn_7: .U R B A N rhythm.
jenn_7: L I F E meets A R T
jenn_7: .......
jenn_7: "Is there a lot of stuff you don't understand? she said & I said pretty much the whole thing & she nodded & said that's what she thought, but it was nice to hear it anyway & we sat there in the porch swing, listening to the wind & growing up together."
jenn_7: :::
jenn_7: .moonlight mile.
jenn_7: :::
jenn_7: .oxidation reaction.
jenn_7: .XI.
jenn_7: .feetskis.
jenn_7: .bed time.
jenn_7: .pilgrimage.
jenn_7: .old man Pat.
jenn_7: .habitofhinder.