socaloca: depth
socaloca: the paint cups
socaloca: the palette
socaloca: the tin
socaloca: i eat knots for breakfast
socaloca: Studio window view
socaloca: Yorik's corner
socaloca: my desktop (between courses)
socaloca: radio corner
socaloca: studio shelves
socaloca: oullioules studio
socaloca: part of palette of current painting
socaloca: first palette of current painting
socaloca: the best room in the house
socaloca: working surface
socaloca: step by step
socaloca: pencil sharpener
socaloca: ongoing project
socaloca: studio 1
socaloca: studio 2
socaloca: studio 3
socaloca: studio 7
socaloca: studio 8
socaloca: studio 9
socaloca: my new 500 year old art space
socaloca: shelf detail
socaloca: cheeky pic
socaloca: MyPicture
socaloca: Olive drawing
socaloca: BuJo Box