Rose Red Ruth: 230209 Tattershall in March sunshine
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Andrew at the top of the bank Tattershall
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Church behind the tanglewood at Old Bollingbroke
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Church window
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Hills behind Old Bollingbroke
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Muddy moats at Old Bollingbroke
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Old Bollingbroke Towers
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Reeds in the moat at Old Bollingbroke
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Tattershall Chimmney Pots
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Tattershall Arrow slits
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Tattershall Fireplace motif
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Tattershall Fireplace dragon
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Tattershall moat
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 winter reeds in spring sunlight at Old Bollingbroke
Rose Red Ruth: 230309 Rooks