Debbie Martin-Consani: Sprint finish
Debbie Martin-Consani: WHW signpost with buachaille etive moor in background
Debbie Martin-Consani: Top of the Devil's staircase
Debbie Martin-Consani: location_map_west_highland_way
Debbie Martin-Consani: leading in Glencoe
Debbie Martin-Consani: Mulling at the start
Debbie Martin-Consani: Last stretch up to finish line
Debbie Martin-Consani: Crossing the line
Debbie Martin-Consani: Bridge of Orchy checkpoint 2
Debbie Martin-Consani: Bridge of Orchy checkpoint
Debbie Martin-Consani: John Kennedy the winner
Debbie Martin-Consani: Debs and Marco at GWS
Debbie Martin-Consani: 3rd lady trophy presentation
Debbie Martin-Consani: Before Devil's staircase 2
Debbie Martin-Consani: Before the Devil's staircase
Debbie Martin-Consani: Another at the finish
Debbie Martin-Consani: At the end with my support team
Debbie Martin-Consani: At the start