terrillwelch: summer days at the log cabin on Foxglove Farm by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 438
terrillwelch: The O family at the log cabin by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 435
terrillwelch: If your wait is too long try practicing your monster face by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 304
terrillwelch: Being silly with grandma by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 178
terrillwelch: Running really fast by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 354
terrillwelch: running really REALLY fast by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 350
terrillwelch: not happy by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 369
terrillwelch: nothing like a bit of a hill and your push bike by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 337
terrillwelch: letting the chickens out by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 384
terrillwelch: feeding the chickens by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 393
terrillwelch: Chicken Feed by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 407
terrillwelch: the eggs go gently in the bucket by Terrill Welch 2015_07_08 423
terrillwelch: happy smiles by Josie Olszewski 2015_07_08 444