Coco Sherm:
Coco Sherm:
10.08.08 Pants don't fit.
Coco Sherm:
Coco Sherm:
Working a friday wedding. 10.10.08
Coco Sherm:
10.11.08 I LOVE working. :-)
Coco Sherm:
10.12.08 forgot to upload yesterday. Oopsy.
Coco Sherm:
10.13.08 If I put on make up later, I'll re-take this. But don't expect it.
Coco Sherm:
10.14.08 Getting ready for my video blog.
Coco Sherm:
10.15.08 Apparently I'm NOT supposed to eat nachos every day for lunch. Stupid magazine.
Coco Sherm:
10.16.08 I didn't shower today.
Coco Sherm:
10.17.08 I have lots to do but how can I move w/ an adorable dog napping on me?
Coco Sherm:
10.18.08 waiting outside the simpsons ride an univ studios. No pregos allowed. :-(
Coco Sherm:
10.19.08 Almost forgot to take a pic today.
Coco Sherm:
10.20.08 I can't remember the reason for this look.
Coco Sherm:
10.21.08 Taking a nap in my car by the beach before meeting w/ a client in 1.75 hrs. Love the ocean air.
Coco Sherm:
10.22.08 Nap time with my pup.
Coco Sherm:
10.23.08 Shopping for the art show. Needed something I can wear now and later... so it had to be maternity with out looking maternity. Success??
Coco Sherm:
10.24.08 There is no reason for this face. :-)
Coco Sherm:
10.25.08 Waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion.
Coco Sherm:
10.26.08 Comforting my husband during the not-so-pretty Charger game.
Coco Sherm:
10.27.08 Drained... Emotionally and physically. Ready for a new day.
Coco Sherm:
10.28.08 Self prescribed bed rest today.
Coco Sherm:
10.29.08 Starting to freak out that I'm going to come home from the art show with the same amount of frames I left with.
Coco Sherm:
10.30.08 Sweetarts for the road to bako.
Coco Sherm:
10.31.08 The girls are back together!!!!! :-) And breakfast was goooood!
Coco Sherm:
11.01.08 Same shirt... Different day. I can't help that its my favorite. :-)
Coco Sherm:
11.02.08 Finishing up dinner prep. Having the neighbors over tonight.
Coco Sherm:
11.03.08 Monday morning spooning.
Coco Sherm:
11.04.08 Only a 1 hour wait. Not bad. I've waited longer for a ride at Disneyland.
Coco Sherm:
11.05.08 Exhaustion is back.