M Roy M: Eagle Creek, October 2014
M Roy M: west Irish coast, morning
M Roy M: the Atlantic coast, Ireland
M Roy M: equivilent 1
M Roy M: Huron Islands, Michigan
M Roy M: St. Louis Besancon grounds
M Roy M: ancient seaside cemetary, Island of Inisheer
M Roy M: Autumn, Porter County, Indiana
M Roy M: shipwreck, Island of Inisheer, Ireland
M Roy M: cemetary, Abbey of the Genesee
M Roy M: Alamo Canyon, New Mexico
M Roy M: Besancon, Indiana farmland
M Roy M: thoughts on photography, part 5 -- atmosphere
M Roy M: thoughts on photography, part 2 -- place
M Roy M: old monastery patio, Gethsemani
M Roy M: view south southeast
M Roy M: St. Louis Besancon church panorama
M Roy M: The Hump-backed Barn, Deleware County, Indiana
M Roy M: Cameron to Lincoln
M Roy M: Dublin from Sandycove, in the vicinity of the Martello Tower
M Roy M: Convergences Test Frame no. 17
M Roy M: Sandycove Harbor with the Joyce Tower
M Roy M: The Blue Ridge, Morning
M Roy M: The Blue Ridge from Montpelier
M Roy M: Iowa
M Roy M: Eagle Creek, October 2014
M Roy M: blue ridge, looking west
M Roy M: sunset at Dom Frederick Lake
M Roy M: Carrie and Brady's Wedding
M Roy M: Lake Superior sunset, Freda beach