M Roy M: beam of light
M Roy M: Lake Superior shore, Copper Harbor, Michigan
M Roy M: decorative stained glass
M Roy M: natural design, Indiana Dunes
M Roy M: etching
M Roy M: Gethsemani 2014
M Roy M: self-portrait with Fuji Finepix S5100
M Roy M: ancient painting of The Annunciation, Trastevere
M Roy M: early Christian art, Trastevere, no. 2
M Roy M: winter
M Roy M: The Cure of Ars & Pius X
M Roy M: abstract
M Roy M: shoreline, Flint Lake
M Roy M: chapel window
M Roy M: rust spots
M Roy M: reflections: Stratford & Lear
M Roy M: the beach at Cape Sable, the Everglades
M Roy M: 19th century medical text
M Roy M: stained glass
M Roy M: marriage certificate of Emperor Karl Hapsburg and Empress Zita
M Roy M: mirror
M Roy M: wormwood
M Roy M: May 24a
M Roy M: decorative motif inside triumphal arch, the Roman Forum
M Roy M: self-portait with advertising babes
M Roy M: Proclamation of Jubilee 1300, signed by Boniface VIII
M Roy M: Pentecost window
M Roy M: August 30a
M Roy M: movie marquee, Key West 1976
M Roy M: entranceway reflections, Indianapolis Museum of Art