Stormlover87: June 7th Lightning
Stormlover87: June 7th Lightning 2
Stormlover87: June 7th Lightning 5
Stormlover87: June 7th Lightning 7
Stormlover87: June 7th Lightning 9
Stormlover87: June 7th Lightning 10
Stormlover87: Pure Power!
Stormlover87: That was too close
Stormlover87: Enough Lightning?
Stormlover87: Big storm over Red Deer
Stormlover87: Radiomainia
Stormlover87: Supercell?
Stormlover87: Twin Raido bolts
Stormlover87: The joining
Stormlover87: Twin bolts, same target
Stormlover87: Lightning Mainia!
Stormlover87: Awesome Shotz
Stormlover87: Lots-O-Lightning
Stormlover87: Twin Spark
Stormlover87: BANG!!!!!
Stormlover87: Triple Play!
Stormlover87: Like the braches on a tree
Stormlover87: Crawler
Stormlover87: Sparky night
Stormlover87: Lightningfest!
Stormlover87: Double bolts
Stormlover87: Lightning all over
Stormlover87: Tenticles reach for the earth
Stormlover87: multstrikes