OldChE: Building a raised garden, Day 1: the frame.
OldChE: Joint assembly.
OldChE: Assembled timbers, first course.
OldChE: Placing first course in rough position.
OldChE: Squaring the frame.
OldChE: Leveling the frame.
OldChE: Hammer in corner stakes
OldChE: Joint and timber designed for stacking.
OldChE: Second course completed.
OldChE: Depth of frame.
OldChE: Width of frame.
OldChE: My raised bed soil "recipe".
OldChE: Raised bed mix ingredients.
OldChE: Calibrated 5 gallon bucket to measure with.
OldChE: Loosening the base soil.
OldChE: Day 2: adding the ingredients.
OldChE: Adding drainage materials.
OldChE: Adding "potting mixes"
OldChE: Adding peat moss
OldChE: Adding the "organic matter."
OldChE: A layer after leveling.
OldChE: Third and final level done.
OldChE: Left-over ingredients.
OldChE: Worm box for garden bed.
OldChE: Inside of worm box.
OldChE: Grid to visualize square-foot garden spacing.
OldChE: Digging in the worm box.
OldChE: Worm box burried.
OldChE: Worm box in place - end of day 2.
OldChE: Day 3 - animal guard fencing.