Dochac - Meteorologist: Clitocybe nebularis
Dochac - Meteorologist: Infundibulicybe geotropa
Dochac - Meteorologist: The great gig in the sky
Dochac - Meteorologist: Coprinopsis picacea
Dochac - Meteorologist: Coming back home
Dochac - Meteorologist: Chlorophyllum venenatum
Dochac - Meteorologist: Saproamanita vittadinii
Dochac - Meteorologist: Circumzenithal arc
Dochac - Meteorologist: Positive lightning strike
Dochac - Meteorologist: Wet downburst
Dochac - Meteorologist: Cumulonimbus calvus
Dochac - Meteorologist: Uncombed cumulonimbus
Dochac - Meteorologist: Natural painting
Dochac - Meteorologist: Natural crib to set
Dochac - Meteorologist: Large lenticular cloud
Dochac - Meteorologist: Tricholomopsis rutilans
Dochac - Meteorologist: Laccaria affinis
Dochac - Meteorologist: Laccaria amethystina
Dochac - Meteorologist: Gymnopilus spectabilis
Dochac - Meteorologist: Phoenicurus ochruros (female)
Dochac - Meteorologist: Entoloma incanum