michelle@TNS: banner
michelle@TNS: processing in funny hats
michelle@TNS: flaglerites
michelle@TNS: in the crowd
michelle@TNS: thanks mom & dad
michelle@TNS: the long march
michelle@TNS: almost a graduate with a ph.d in dimples
michelle@TNS: total jamie face
michelle@TNS: well done, lad.
michelle@TNS: moment of truth
michelle@TNS: newly minted graduate
michelle@TNS: towel thief
michelle@TNS: three generations of raskin men
michelle@TNS: family portrait
michelle@TNS: pop pop and the youth
michelle@TNS: jamie, emma, and darts
michelle@TNS: throwing my sister a bone
michelle@TNS: new grads from lumberjack school
michelle@TNS: headless
michelle@TNS: grands and grad
michelle@TNS: grand Ps and Cs
michelle@TNS: cute kids. also, superman.
michelle@TNS: uncherubic cherub
michelle@TNS: boy and dog
michelle@TNS: agler college
michelle@TNS: wall detail
michelle@TNS: pew pew pew
michelle@TNS: not hogwarts
michelle@TNS: nonplussed
michelle@TNS: more than a little frightening