Michael Renfrow: Gaillardia aristata-Blanket Flower Brown-eyed Susan
Michael Renfrow: Anemone occidentalis Alpine Pasque Flower
Michael Renfrow: Gentiana calycosa-Wildflowers Blue Lake Wallowa Mts.
Michael Renfrow: Potentilla drummondii-Cinquefoil
Michael Renfrow: Dodecatheon cusickii-Shooting Star
Michael Renfrow: Anemone multifida--Bob Marshal Wilderness Montana.
Michael Renfrow: Geum triflorum-Prariesmoke
Michael Renfrow: Balsamorhiza sagitta-Balsom Root
Michael Renfrow: Balsamorhiza sagitta-Balsom Root
Michael Renfrow: Aquilegia flavescens-Yellow Columbine
Michael Renfrow: Clematis occidentalis-Bob Marshal Wilderness-Montana near the Ahorn trail.
Michael Renfrow: Calypso bulbosa-Fairy Slipper
Michael Renfrow: Western Anemone; Wind Flower-Anemone occidentalis
Michael Renfrow: Mt Hood Paintbrush-Castilleja miniata
Michael Renfrow: Purple Paintbrush Blue Lake "Castilleja hexifolia"
Michael Renfrow: Castilleja miniata White Pass Trail Bob Marshall Wilderness MT
Michael Renfrow: CastillejaPaintbrush- Northern Utah close to the Wyoming Border
Michael Renfrow: Silver Star Mt-Paint Brush-Purple Penstemon
Michael Renfrow: Sequoia National Park-Paint Brush
Michael Renfrow: Epipactis gigantic-Hellebores
Michael Renfrow: Milkweed Dinosaur National Monument
Michael Renfrow: Silver Star Mt Bear Grass With Bug-Xerophyllum tenax
Michael Renfrow: Silver Star Mt Erythronium Lily-Erythronium oregonum
Michael Renfrow: Amica cordfolia hook Spider. Eagle Creek Oregon
Michael Renfrow: Eastern bog trillium
Michael Renfrow: Skunk Cabbage-Lysichiton americanus
Michael Renfrow: Foxgloves-Digatalis
Michael Renfrow: California Poppy
Michael Renfrow: Fleurs-2
Michael Renfrow: Fleurs-4