QuartzGryph: Westray Skiffs
QuartzGryph: Westray Skiffs
QuartzGryph: Kirkbrae, Westray
QuartzGryph: Flat Calm
QuartzGryph: Westray flat calm
QuartzGryph: Westray Farm
QuartzGryph: Orkney northern isles seascape
QuartzGryph: Papay, Pier
QuartzGryph: Westray Skiffs
QuartzGryph: Westray Skiffs
QuartzGryph: Broughton Walk, Pierowall
QuartzGryph: Broughton Walk, Pierowall
QuartzGryph: Grebe, from the Papay ferry
QuartzGryph: Pier, Papay
QuartzGryph: 4 Westray skiffs, Pierowall
QuartzGryph: Orkney Leviathan
QuartzGryph: Prototype
QuartzGryph: Rainbow: Papay
QuartzGryph: Rainbow Cow: Papay
QuartzGryph: Rainbow and Lady Kirk: Pierowall
QuartzGryph: Bisgeos, Marwick Head, the Brough of Birsay
QuartzGryph: The road to the Lighthouse
QuartzGryph: Bisgeos and Rousay
QuartzGryph: Bisgeos, Westray - Eyecatcher
QuartzGryph: Looking across to Broughton Walk, Pierowall
QuartzGryph: Beach, and the Holm of Papay
QuartzGryph: Looking South. Mainland Orkney from Westray
QuartzGryph: Noup Head from the south
QuartzGryph: Rousay and Mainland from Westray
QuartzGryph: Westray, view to Mainland from above Bisgeos.