aurospio: Laughing Gull (molting)
aurospio: Peregrine Falcon
aurospio: Peregrine Falcon
aurospio: Ring-billed Gull
aurospio: Semipalmated Sandpiper
aurospio: Piping Plover
aurospio: Osprey
aurospio: Red-winged Blackbird
aurospio: Hermit Thrush
aurospio: Hermit Thrush
aurospio: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
aurospio: Osprey (10 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (6 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (5 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (8 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (7 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (9 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (4 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (3 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (2 of 10)
aurospio: Osprey (1 of 10)
aurospio: Song Sparrow
aurospio: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
aurospio: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
aurospio: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
aurospio: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
aurospio: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
aurospio: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
aurospio: Yellow-crowned Night-heron
aurospio: Dunlin