aurospio: Pectoral Sandpiper
aurospio: Pectoral Sandpiper
aurospio: little blue heron and great egret
aurospio: little blue heron and great egret
aurospio: great blue heron chasing great egret
aurospio: Black-crowned Night Heron (adult)
aurospio: immature2_BCNH_DSCN5829
aurospio: immature2_BCNH_DSCN5813
aurospio: immature_BCNH_DSCN5777
aurospio: immature_BCNH_DSCN5761
aurospio: immature Black-crowned Night Heron
aurospio: immature Black-crowned Night Heron
aurospio: Black-crowned Night Heron (adult)
aurospio: great blue heron
aurospio: great blue heron_striking
aurospio: great blue heron
aurospio: great blue heron
aurospio: ruddy turnstone digging in the sand
aurospio: semipalmated plover
aurospio: great egret preening
aurospio: ruddy turnstone
aurospio: ruddy turnstone
aurospio: ruddy turnstone
aurospio: Piping Plover (dark beak)
aurospio: Lesser Yellowlegs
aurospio: Lesser Yellowlegs
aurospio: Western Sandpipers and Dunlin_Homer_DSCN3428
aurospio: Marbled Godwits
aurospio: Dunlin and Western Sandpiper
aurospio: shorebirds and Northern Pintail