dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
sogno d'oriente
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
different points of sview
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
in contrari età
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
historical evening
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
interior vanishing point
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
eyes shut down
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
per di qui dentro
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
dirotta fra le nuvole
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
from the black side of the trees
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
resto di sasso
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
stone hedge
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
Torre del Sasso
dis[ o ]rient'express [I'm not there]:
she is him