John D McKenna: Japanese Bantam cockerel
John D McKenna: Trio - Speckled Japanese Bantams
John D McKenna: Bantam Buff Orpington hen
John D McKenna: Bantam Black Orpington hen
John D McKenna: A big cock!
John D McKenna: Oi Ginger
John D McKenna: Lovely lady
John D McKenna: What's over there?
John D McKenna: Look into my eyes......
John D McKenna: It's more interesting over there
John D McKenna: Small but mighty
John D McKenna: I may be small but I will butt you, OK?!
John D McKenna: Goat's head
John D McKenna: Like velvet
John D McKenna: The Line Up
John D McKenna: Hairdo? Hairdon't more like!
John D McKenna: What HAVE they done to my fringe?
John D McKenna: A cow's bum
John D McKenna: No, I will not look at the camera!
John D McKenna: Eyeing up the competition
John D McKenna: She's got her eye on me
John D McKenna: What's going on 'ear' then?
John D McKenna: No. 194 aka Vixen
John D McKenna: Lined up for inspection
John D McKenna: Very cuddly