reinap: Red-tailed Hawk on the hunt in Newmarket this week.
reinap: Red-tailed Hawk
reinap: Trumpeter Swan cygnet
reinap: Mourning Dove taking a sip.
reinap: Flying lesson. Just skimming the surface so far. Doing great though!
reinap: They very carefully enter the water.
reinap: Adult Trumpeter Swan
reinap: Trumpeter Swan with Angel Wing:Please don't feed us bread
reinap: Collage of Barred Owl photos
reinap: Barred Owl this morning. First time seeing one this close up and in the morning too.
reinap: Lucky to see a Barred Owl having a mouse for breakfast this morning.
reinap: Trumpeter Swans at the Aurora Arboretum are quite a bit bigger than the last time we saw them a month ago.
reinap: Trumpeter Swan cygnets in Aurora about 4 weeks old.
reinap: Trumpeter Swan cygnets out for a paddle this afternoon.
reinap: Gray Catbird on Tom Taylor Trail today in Newmarket. Lots of warblers there too but they hide way up high in the trees.
reinap: First time an Oriole has stayed for an afternoon so got a few good views of him.
reinap: When life gives you oranges...
reinap: Northern Oriole. I thought the feathers on his head were interesting. He came back a few times to enjoy the oranges we put out for them.
reinap: Northern Oriole in our backyard this afternoon.He kept coming back for some orange slices we put out. Excited to see close up.
reinap: Trumpeter Swans at Aurora Arboretum back again for another Summer
reinap: The Killdeer returned to their favourite field and now it is covered in snow. The birds do not seem impressed.
reinap: A Cooper's Hawk and its prey. Hawks need to eat too.
reinap: Red Tailed Hawk waiting for the small birds to come back.
reinap: Boxing Day Birds: A Downy Woodpecker, Cardinals and a Cooper's Hawk visited us on Tuesday. The small birds soon scattered when the Hawk arrived.
reinap: Hermit Thrush on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
reinap: An Eastern Towhee in the backyard this week. A first for us here.
reinap: We had 2 Brown-headed Cowbirds mixed in with a flock of Grackles this week.
reinap: A White-throated Sparrow.One of a flock of 6 we saw at the feeders today. The chilly weather has brought back some old friends to the backyard.
reinap: Bet you can't do this!
reinap: Trumpeter Swan