reinap: Serviceberry blossoms
reinap: Fluffy Robin
reinap: Trilliums
reinap: Forget-me-nots
reinap: Tulip: Angelique
reinap: Angelique in a sunny spot:It is so hot today (30C+) that the tulips are not going to last much longer
reinap: Scout's Honor Iris
reinap: A gift that keeps on giving from an elderly neighbour many years ago. It has found a good home.
reinap: Clematis Fleuri:New this year.
reinap: Insects love the Poppies
reinap: Iris -not mine unfortunately
reinap: Pink Peony
reinap: Begonia: Please send rain our way
reinap: "Double Decker" Monarda
reinap: Portulaca
reinap: Trumpet Vine
reinap: Clematis: Comtesse de Bouchard
reinap: Zinnia