reinap: Clematis:Cardinal
reinap: Stormy day Peony
reinap: Monarda "Double Decker"
reinap: Feelin' hot hot hot
reinap: Clematis
reinap: Clematis:Duchess of Albany
reinap: Milkweed:Sweet smelling and ready for the butterflies
reinap: Day lily
reinap: Blue Sky Clematis
reinap: Malva
reinap: Sunflower Days
reinap: Rose of Sharon
reinap: Morning Glory "Flying Saucers": A Splash of Blue
reinap: A new day and a new flower surprise.I like the star shape in the centre of this one.
reinap: Blue and White
reinap: Grapes are ripening and becoming translucent
reinap: Morning Glories
reinap: Morning Glories
reinap: Rainy Day Morning Glory
reinap: Golden Hops:About 10 feet tall
reinap: Mountain Ash Berries
reinap: Goodbye old friend
reinap: Hanging in the tree
reinap: Last branch of the Maple tree
reinap: Trunk and branches
reinap: Huge pieces of the trunk were sliced and the sawdust was flying
reinap: Balancing Act
reinap: Last of the Nasturtiums