reinap: Maple trees are putting on their Fall colours
reinap: Virginia Creeper
reinap: Maple leaves turning
reinap: This catalpa has lots of seed pods ready to pick and start a new tree.I'm very tempted to ask for a few.
reinap: Mountain ash trees are loaded with berries
reinap: Mountain Ash covered in berries.
reinap: Thistle threads
reinap: Sumac
reinap: Asters
reinap: Berries
reinap: Burning bush
reinap: Maple leaves
reinap: There was the scent of Fall in the air and the crunch of leaves underfoot.
reinap: Mums
reinap: Leaves overhead
reinap: Dogwood Berries
reinap: Himalayan Balsam
reinap: Nature's wreath:wild cucumber vine
reinap: Flowering vine
reinap: Goldenrod
reinap: Asters and dandelion seeds
reinap: Hope this tree will keep these golden leaves for a few more days
reinap: Sunny day and maple leaves
reinap: Young maple at Fairy Lake
reinap: Happy Thanksgiving
reinap: Trees are loaded with cones
reinap: Time to rake leaves
reinap: What the wind blew in
reinap: Leaves
reinap: Glorious maple