reinap: Bee 2
reinap: Lots of pollen
reinap: Huge bee
reinap: Bee visiting geranium
reinap: Bee blur
reinap: Bee on allium
reinap: Bumble bee
reinap: About to land
reinap: Wasp?
reinap: Coming in for a landing
reinap: Queen Anne's Lace
reinap: Iris borer
reinap: Cup plant
reinap: Elusive butterfly
reinap: Fly or bee? Not sure. It has stripes like a bee.
reinap: Saw this large insect on the rudbeckia today.
reinap: Wasp on Bachelor's Button Flower
reinap: Bumblebee on Peony
reinap: Bee or wasp on geranium
reinap: Insect taking nectar from Geranium
reinap: Bald-faced Hornet
reinap: Hover Fly on Rudbeckia
reinap: Interesting garden visitor:Any ideas?
reinap: Insect on Bee Balm
reinap: Red Admiral Butterfly on Joe Pye Weed
reinap: Summer on Lake Scugog