reinap: Vintage Christmas decorations
reinap: Santa birdhouse
reinap: Santa cardholder
reinap: Santa cookie jar
reinap: The Reason for the Season
reinap: #1 Eaton's Treasure train:Toronto Sun article November 21 2010
reinap: Handmade Christmas
reinap: Handmade Christmas
reinap: Handmade for Christmas
reinap: Handmade Christmas
reinap: More decorations.This time handknit sheep.
reinap: Squirrrel decoration
reinap: Squirrel and sheep
reinap: Santa and Frosty feeling a bit down after the holidays
reinap: Reverse of Christmas ornament
reinap: Christmas ornament
reinap: Snowman ornament
reinap: Best ornaments are handmade by children
reinap: Merry Christmouse
reinap: Vintage apron made by my Mother in Law
reinap: Reversible apron
reinap: Vintage Santas