reinap: Barn and silo
reinap: Haugen's of Manchester
reinap: Interesting fence
reinap: Front porch
reinap: Elm tree
reinap: Harvestore
reinap: Former schoolhouse
reinap: Driving
reinap: Old barn
reinap: Farm
reinap: Downhill
reinap: Country road
reinap: Rear view
reinap: Rock and Roll Museum, Omeemee
reinap: Omeemee Rock and Roll Museum
reinap: Kaladar Hotel Hwy 7 and 41
reinap: Multi purpose store: Jewelry, Camping Supplies and Fireworks.What else could you possibly need?
reinap: Our first house:We drove by on a recent trip to Lake Simcoe
reinap: The Beach: A few people were swimming
reinap: A dock retreat
reinap: Lake Simcoe:a quiet spot
reinap: Beaver dam near Kaladar Ontario
reinap: White Tail Alert
reinap: Windstorm:Trees were blown over and landed on the hydro wires on the side of the road
reinap: Renfrew County Roads
reinap: Khartum,Ontario
reinap: Griffith
reinap: Near Denbigh,Ontario:The scenic route