Kathleen_A: Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Kathleen_A: Rocket Shelter at Netiv HaAsara
Kathleen_A: First, a night in NYC
Kathleen_A: Women of the Wall
Kathleen_A: Protest at Sheikh Jarrah
Kathleen_A: Congresswomen over East Jerusalem
Kathleen_A: The hands that build
Kathleen_A: Qalandia
Kathleen_A: Knesset
Kathleen_A: Divided
Kathleen_A: Chickens
Kathleen_A: Palestinian market - Settler garbage prevention
Kathleen_A: Back to Hebron
Kathleen_A: Qalandia Checkpoint, continued....
Kathleen_A: for sale
Kathleen_A: Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
Kathleen_A: Just another day....
Kathleen_A: Stone of Anointing
Kathleen_A: Hoodies, West Bank, Palestinian style
Kathleen_A: Free Palestine
Kathleen_A: 10150686889040622
Kathleen_A: 10150673096325622