Kathleen_A: Boy digging out rock 4
Kathleen_A: Sawtooth Lake
Kathleen_A: Sawtooths in Summer
Kathleen_A: walking on the moon
Kathleen_A: OK Not From 06
Kathleen_A: thinker
Kathleen_A: What's new?
Kathleen_A: Rockbound Lake at sunset
Kathleen_A: storm brewing
Kathleen_A: clouds
Kathleen_A: Late for Work (2)
Kathleen_A: Late for work
Kathleen_A: Sunset last night
Kathleen_A: This was a day to take some pictures
Kathleen_A: The weather was interesting today
Kathleen_A: That same day...
Kathleen_A: Sunrise, December 7
Kathleen_A: yea, yea, that same tower...
Kathleen_A: white sand beach
Kathleen_A: He cautioned, "New camera!", and yet....
Kathleen_A: City of Angels
Kathleen_A: Go west young man
Kathleen_A: Not mine
Kathleen_A: Summertime...(and the livin's easy)
Kathleen_A: Ripple
Kathleen_A: clouds
Kathleen_A: Another week, come and gone..
Kathleen_A: L.A. Woman