A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, Girl Reading, c. 1827
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, Children in the Graveyard of Aldenham Church, c 1822
A Graduate of Pomona:
Fig. 12 William Henry Hunt, Lord Efroy's Gamekeeper, dated 1828
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, Jim Crow, Exhibited 1837
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, An Old Sea Dog, dated 1828
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, The Village Pet, Exhibited 1852
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, The Narcotic, dated and exhibited 1839
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, Sleeping Boy, dated and exhibited 1836
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hun, Still Life of Apples and Plums, c. 1850
A Graduate of Pomona:
William Henry Hunt, Head of a Black Boy, c. 1830
A Graduate of Pomona:
Engraving of The Fly Catcher after the Original Watercolor by William Henry Hunt, Exhibited 1837