FilipaValente: Happy dolly shelf Sunday.
FilipaValente: In the beginning there were dolls ...
FilipaValente: ADOPTED
FilipaValente: Ppinkys family
FilipaValente: ADOPTED
FilipaValente: 2 more girls waiting to change clothes. It's a never ending task. 😁
FilipaValente: "About time we got out of that cabinet"
FilipaValente: Doll worries
FilipaValente: M: What are your plans for today? L: Do I need to have any?
FilipaValente: Sisters reunited
FilipaValente: Lilith, it's too hot for those boots!
FilipaValente: new weekend, new hair
FilipaValente: BJD hang-out
FilipaValente: And another wig. Patient model.
FilipaValente: Lilith wants to show you her toys
FilipaValente: Wubba chickens are friends
FilipaValente: She is not happy. I don't have shoes for her pretty feet :(
FilipaValente: Sillysweet
FilipaValente: For adoption
FilipaValente: Have a nice day, she says.