gamachephoto: Vincent Laforet
gamachephoto: last light
gamachephoto: Luxor Hotel
gamachephoto: Starry Night
gamachephoto: Attached
gamachephoto: All tied up
gamachephoto: corn time
gamachephoto: reflections
gamachephoto: Bridge
gamachephoto: Want to Play?
gamachephoto: Technika 4x5
gamachephoto: Technika
gamachephoto: The Retro line up
gamachephoto: Let it Rain
gamachephoto: gentle stream
gamachephoto: Spiderman lives here
gamachephoto: That's how I roll
gamachephoto: Can I help you?
gamachephoto: Life is like a bowl of Cherries
gamachephoto: reverse
gamachephoto: Stay on the right
gamachephoto: beer time
gamachephoto: Friday Delivery
gamachephoto: new addition
gamachephoto: Break Time
gamachephoto: Full_Steam_Ahead-101.jpg
gamachephoto: FujiX100_bolt.jpg
gamachephoto: Hail in Ottawa
gamachephoto: Leica is the subject