Michele_Witchipoo: A cop on his break from harassing protesters. BTW...I went to use the bathroom at Burger King, and one of the employees was SO nasty to me. She told me I had to be a customer in order to use the bathroom. What she didn't know was what she did was illegal.
Michele_Witchipoo: I like the love sign...
Michele_Witchipoo: Various protest signs.
Michele_Witchipoo: Well it's true...Citibank does suck.
Michele_Witchipoo: Various protest signs.
Michele_Witchipoo: Various protest signs.
Michele_Witchipoo: Various protester signs.
Michele_Witchipoo: Does anyone remember Dime bank, btw?
Michele_Witchipoo: Food trucks discover the potential of having protester revue.
Michele_Witchipoo: Some local news network shows up. About f'ing time!
Michele_Witchipoo: Occupy Wall Street