db-dray: Mum's ancient Women's Weekly recipe
db-dray: I meant it when I said the recipe was ancient ...
db-dray: Cake mix for the sponge base
db-dray: Cake mix for the sponge base
db-dray: Cake mix for the sponge base
db-dray: Cake mix for the sponge base
db-dray: Getting the baking tray ready...
db-dray: IMG_0538
db-dray: Creating the sponge base...
db-dray: Creating the sponge base...
db-dray: Creating the sponge base...
db-dray: Extra apricot puree that mum made earlier...
db-dray: Apricot middle lawyer ... whoops I meant layer
db-dray: Apricot middle layer
db-dray: Apricot middle layer
db-dray: Coconut meringue top layer...
db-dray: Coconut meringue top layer...
db-dray: Coconut meringue top layer...
db-dray: And out of the oven!
db-dray: The finished product