Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Start of the trip - flight to Lüderitz
Warren McCleland: Sparsely vegetated hillside
Warren McCleland: Sparsely vegetated hillside
Warren McCleland: Sparsely vegetated hillside
Warren McCleland: Osteospermum crassifolium
Warren McCleland: Eberlanzia sedoides
Warren McCleland: Dracophilus delaetianus
Warren McCleland: Drosanthemum luederitzii
Warren McCleland: Pelargonium cortusifolium
Warren McCleland: Osteospermum incanum
Warren McCleland: Osteospermum incanum
Warren McCleland: Gazania schenkii
Warren McCleland: Gazania schenkii
Warren McCleland: Gazania schenkii
Warren McCleland: Euphorbia rhombifolia (angrae)