Warren McCleland: Govuro River
Warren McCleland: Govuro River
Warren McCleland: Thousands of pneumatophores
Warren McCleland: Mangroves on the shoreline
Warren McCleland: Mangroves on the shoreline
Warren McCleland: Afungi shoreline
Warren McCleland: Mangroves at high tide
Warren McCleland: Afungi shoreline
Warren McCleland: Quiet backwater
Warren McCleland: Quiet lagoon
Warren McCleland: Mudflats at low tide
Warren McCleland: Seasonal wetland
Warren McCleland: Seasonal wetland
Warren McCleland: Mangroves at high tide
Warren McCleland: Mangroves at high tide
Warren McCleland: Living in the sun
Warren McCleland: Salt quarry
Warren McCleland: Mangroves at low tide
Warren McCleland: Mangroves at low tide
Warren McCleland: Seasonal wetland
Warren McCleland: Seasonal wetland
Warren McCleland: Coastal plain woodland
Warren McCleland: Coastal plain woodland
Warren McCleland: Coastal plain woodland
Warren McCleland: Coastal plain woodland
Warren McCleland: Coastal dune thicket
Warren McCleland: Seagrass shoreline