Warren McCleland:
Encephalartos senticosus
Warren McCleland:
Encephalartos senticosus
Warren McCleland:
Encephalartos senticosus
Warren McCleland:
Barleria lebomboensis
Warren McCleland:
Barleria lebomboensis
Warren McCleland:
Barleria lebomboensis
Warren McCleland:
Grassland habitat of Barleria lebomboensis
Warren McCleland:
Lubombo Mountains
Warren McCleland:
Lubombo Mountains
Warren McCleland:
Lubombo Mountains
Warren McCleland:
Lubombo Mountains
Warren McCleland:
Lubombo Mountains
Warren McCleland:
Encephalartos senticosus in habitat
Warren McCleland:
Dusty road through the Lubombo Mountains
Warren McCleland:
Pedistylis galpinii
Warren McCleland:
Pedistylis galpinii
Warren McCleland:
Pedistylis galpinii
Warren McCleland:
Plicosephalus kalachariensis
Warren McCleland:
Plicosephalus kalachariensis
Warren McCleland:
Searsia pentheri
Warren McCleland:
Searsia pentheri
Warren McCleland:
Aeollanthus parvifolius
Warren McCleland:
Aeollanthus parvifolius
Warren McCleland:
Aeollanthus parvifolius
Warren McCleland:
Afzelia quanzensis
Warren McCleland:
Allocassine laurifolia
Warren McCleland:
Allocassine laurifolia
Warren McCleland:
Allocassine laurifolia
Warren McCleland:
Aloe cryptopoda 'pienaari'
Warren McCleland:
Aloe cryptopoda 'pienaari'