Warren McCleland: Driving through Bukavu
Warren McCleland: Driving through Bukavu
Warren McCleland: Driving through Bukavu
Warren McCleland: Bukavu taxi rank
Warren McCleland: Bukavu taxi rank
Warren McCleland: Poverty in Bukavu
Warren McCleland: Bukavu vista
Warren McCleland: View over Bukavu
Warren McCleland: Main road south-west towards Twangiza
Warren McCleland: View over Bukavu
Warren McCleland: Achatina snail scouting the forest undergrowth
Warren McCleland: Afep Pigeon captured by villages in nets
Warren McCleland: Afromomum species in forest undergrowth
Warren McCleland: Blackfly bites - hopefully no river blindness to follow!
Warren McCleland: Juvenile Night Adder (Causus sp.)
Warren McCleland: One of the more sensible drop zones we encountered
Warren McCleland: Preparing to fly to site on the first morning in the Itombwe Mts
Warren McCleland: Barracks for the next ten days
Warren McCleland: Another fish pond, this time in some medium altitude forest
Warren McCleland: Fish pond in lowland forest
Warren McCleland: Fisherman in the Ulindi River
Warren McCleland: Taking a break in the jungle with ever present spectators
Warren McCleland: Dark forest interior
Warren McCleland: Forest village
Warren McCleland: Giant pouched rat for supper
Warren McCleland: Gold miners along the upper reaches of the Ulindi River
Warren McCleland: Hyperolius species caught in a fish pond
Warren McCleland: Hyperolius species and possibly undescribed Afrixalus species
Warren McCleland: Impatiens species from deep in the forest
Warren McCleland: Curious spectators