Warren McCleland: The special coffee shop at Jomo Kenyatta airport
Warren McCleland: Lunch in the forest
Warren McCleland: Properly stuck
Warren McCleland: Properly stuck
Warren McCleland: Consequence of taking the wrong track
Warren McCleland: A vast floodplain with numerous displaying Black-tailed Cisticolas
Warren McCleland: Flooded forest and wetland
Warren McCleland: Waterlily wetland
Warren McCleland: Checking spoor
Warren McCleland: Tall Isoberlinia woodland
Warren McCleland: Afternoon sky over laterite plains
Warren McCleland: Magnificent floodplain grassland
Warren McCleland: Storm brewing
Warren McCleland: Afternoon storm
Warren McCleland: Storm brewing
Warren McCleland: Shrubby Combretum woodland
Warren McCleland: Combretum cf. adenogonium
Warren McCleland: Zygotritonia bongensis
Warren McCleland: Open Isoberlinia woodland
Warren McCleland: Mucuna occidentalis
Warren McCleland: Mucuna occidentalis
Warren McCleland: Mucuna occidentalis
Warren McCleland: Aspilia rudis
Warren McCleland: Aspilia rudis
Warren McCleland: Berlinia grandiflora
Warren McCleland: Gallery forest interior
Warren McCleland: Harungana madagascariensis
Warren McCleland: Harungana madagascariensis
Warren McCleland: Terminalia macroptera
Warren McCleland: Anchomanes difformis