Warren McCleland:
Lee-Ann enjoying the view and the shade
Warren McCleland:
View over the Lowveld to the Escarpmen
Warren McCleland:
View over the Lowveld to the Escarpment
Warren McCleland:
Connor searching desperately for a cheetah!
Warren McCleland:
Common Flat Lizard (Platysaurus intermedius intermedius)
Warren McCleland:
Common Flat Lizard (Platysaurus intermedius intermedius)
Warren McCleland:
View to the Masorini Hills
Warren McCleland:
Letaba River
Warren McCleland:
Letaba River
Warren McCleland:
View from Kanniedood Dam bird hide
Warren McCleland:
African Openbill
Warren McCleland:
Shingwedzi River
Warren McCleland:
African Buffalo
Warren McCleland:
African Buffalo
Warren McCleland:
African Hawk Eagle
Warren McCleland:
African Hawk Eagle
Warren McCleland:
Female Nyala
Warren McCleland:
Sharpe's Grysbok
Warren McCleland:
Yellow-billed Stork
Warren McCleland:
Afternoon drink in the Mphongolo River
Warren McCleland:
Afternoon drink
Warren McCleland:
Sniffing the air
Warren McCleland:
So young it hasn't yet found its spots
Warren McCleland:
Mom and little 'uns
Warren McCleland:
Anything for us in there?
Warren McCleland:
Warren McCleland:
It wasn't me....I promise!
Warren McCleland:
Spotted Hyaena youngster
Warren McCleland:
Warren McCleland:
Northern Plains road to Roan Camp