baldsteve: My Ladies!
baldsteve: Viburnum
baldsteve: Princess Gail and Sir Cecil Arrive!
baldsteve: Her Baby Brother!
baldsteve: Startin Off Good!
baldsteve: IMG_7906
baldsteve: IMG_7936
baldsteve: Moore Plans and Plantings
baldsteve: Hi Maria!!!
baldsteve: "That Girl"... Maria!
baldsteve: Caught!
baldsteve: IMG_7989
baldsteve: Makin a Point!
baldsteve: Plans for New Plantings!
baldsteve: Princess Blooming All Around!
baldsteve: Mom Surveys the Estate!
baldsteve: Chatting by the Pond!
baldsteve: The Mom's!
baldsteve: IMG_8042
baldsteve: Walkin Smile!
baldsteve: IMG_8072
baldsteve: Group Photo!
baldsteve: Cecil Head!
baldsteve: Brother and Sister!
baldsteve: Sneaky
baldsteve: Down the Steps!
baldsteve: Cecil Chillin!
baldsteve: Flowers!